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Reading Guide
for Burke, "The Road from Alexandria"

  • NO POSTING DUE. Class on Dec. 4 includes a video paralleling this text. If you like trying to solve mysteries, don't read this in advance. On the other hand, if you prefer to have a map to follow, then preview this before class. The text serves as an approximate record of the video for reference.


  • How is Burke's "timeline" different from conventional timelines? What is Burke's intended lesson in assembling his "timeline" in this way?
  • In the film version, Burke comments on several alternative histories diverging from the vacuum pump. Why does Burke consider this important?
  • [Challenging] What is Burke's implicit view of causality, or how change occurs? (Consider, by contrast perhaps, a "billiard-ball" or "domino" view of causality, with one event leading to another in linear sequence?)

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