Visuals for Einstein & Relativity
Einstein, Part 2 || Reading Guide || Web Excursions || Hub 


  • Intro [music]: Einstein as violin player
  • Background: Motion || Electricity || Electricity & Magnetism || Light
  • Problems
  • Who was Einstein?
  • Intro 2: Framing the Problem of Simultaneity
  • Discuss: Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
  • Discuss: Inertia
  • Epilogue

    1. Newton
    2. laws for moving observers
    3. idealized space, time
    4. kinetic energy equation


    5. amber
    6. WIlliam Gilbert & magnetism
    7. Priestley
    8. Ben Franklin & his kite
    9. Charles Coulomb & his torsion balance
    10. Alexander Volta and his "voltaic pile"

      Electricity & Magnetism

    11. Hans Christian Oersted and Andre Ampere
    12. Michael Faraday and his coil
    13. ---
    14. ---
    15. electric industry
    16. Joule and his apparatus


    17. Newton and his colors
    18. Newton's rings
    19. Thomas Young & his 2-slit experiment
    20. James Clerk Maxwell & his equations
    21. water wave
    22. sound wave (in air)
    23. light's ether
    24. Crooke's tube


    25. detecting the ether
    26. consistency
    27. Henrik Lorentz
    28. assymetry in induction

      Who was Einstein?

    29. canoncial Einstein?
    30. age 4-5(?)
    31. young Einstein w/ sister
    32. Einstein at school, 1896
    33. Einstein, late 1890s
    34. Michele Besso
    35. Mileva Maric
    36. Marcel Grossman (left)
    37. Bern patent office
    38. "Olympia Academy"
    39. Albert & Mileva Einstein, 1903
    40. Einstein family, 1904
    41. riding a light wave
    42. ...with a mirror
    43. ...seeing reflection...?
    44. church bells?
    45. lightning and thunder
    46. thought experiments
    47. patent clerk (1903?)

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